Get date, time

Retrieve the current date and time

select getdate()

(or in MySQL: select now())

Retrieve only date, only time 

select * from flights
where convert(date, ariveddate) = '2021-02-22'

select * from flights
where convert(time,arriveddate) >'13:00'


update articles
set imageurl = convert(varchar(10), articleid)+ '.jpg'

Wildcard character
select ('^'+Pattern), Pattern,* from Pictures
where Pattern like '%[.]%' and CHARINDEX('^', Pattern)<>1


select count(*) from flights
where code like '%  ' 

update flights
set code = trim(code)
where code like '%  ' 

update Flights
set AircraftCode = trim(AircraftCode)
where CHARINDEX(' ',AircraftCode) > len(trim(AircraftCode))